Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's Happening!!

I had to go to Walmart to get my eyes checked and order new contacts. I walked around a bit afterwards and it occurred to me that I am starting to waddle!!! ICK! Please Lord, let this babe come a *little* early. Maybe it's just the pants I am wearing. They are not very comfortable. Yeah, that must have been it...

I'll do another Idol recap tomorrow!

Hey-have you seen this awesome stuff at Target? OMG! I love it!!
http://www.target.com/b/ref=in_se_pagelist/190-6233325-8626260?ie=UTF8&itemsPerPage=33&node=1263103011&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=1263103011&rank=pmrank&viewID=leaf&field- pricebin=&store=&size=33&rh=&page=1&fromBrowse=1

(obviously I have no idea how to make that a clean link with just a word... feel free to leave a comment on how to do so, if you know!)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

highlight the word you want to be the link, then click the little green link thingy (by the font and spell check, etc...) and then paste the url in there. I usually change the font color too, so it's obvious that it's a link.