Thursday, April 30, 2009

Almost time...

Three weeks. Three [short] weeks until the hopeful arrival of my bundle of Joy! It's hard to believe that 9 months have gone by already. It's so funny how when you're young you can't wait to be older. The time seemed to drag by. Then you grow up and you realize time moves a lot faster. And when you have kids, it literally just zooms by. I long to go back sometimes. Not to before kids, but just rewind to the beginning of kids and try to enjoy it as much as possible. Not that I didn't, because I did, thus baby #3. ;-) I love being a mom, I love babies. Three year olds, not so much. Kidding!!! I never knew for sure if we were going to even have a #3 baby, so I feel very blessed that God provided this opportunity to us and I plan on savoring every moment I can. I have enjoyed this pregnancy and for the most part it's been problem free and very easy (minus the one week of hell from sciatica nerve pain). But then again, the first two were pretty simple too.

I can't wait to see my baby girl's face. Who will she look like? My oldest son is the spitting image of his father, and the middle one favors me a lot. What color hair and eyes will she have? B has brown hair and green/hazel eyes, EO has blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. There is a good chance she could be a red head. There's red on all sides of the family. That would be kind of funny if we had three kids that were three completely different combinations. I suppose it's entirely possible. I'm really hoping her personality is really easy going. At least the first year. ha ha ha... Oh, the anticipation! I can't wait, and now I really don't have to wait that much longer. My schedule is pretty busy, so hopefully my time spent waiting will be full of fun and adventure. Certainly, tomorrow night. Spending the evening with some of my bestest friends for dinner and a movie. On little last hurrah kid free kind of night. Can't wait!

I must rant about my lovely dog. Using the term lovely real loose here. Okay, this might be TMI, but he won't stop chewing up my underwear!!! He demolished TWO pairs just LAST NIGHT! I am about out of underwear now! In the past couple of weeks he's managed to ruin like 6 pair. Then the two last night. Like I want to run out and get underwear now?!! AND it's not my fault that he's gaining access to them. I am really good about putting my dirty clothes in the basket, but it has holes in the side of it that are probably the size of a 50cent piece. He some how pulls them through the holes. BUT someone keeps leaving the door to the bathroom open and it's NOT ME! If you know me, you know I'm super anal about doors being shut. I can't stand for a cupboard to be left open, or not shut evenly. I have to have the bathroom and closet doors shut in our room, especially when it's time for bed. I hate it when my husband doesn't clear out the microwave and it's flashing some random message. {okay enough of my pet peeves} You get the point. I'm not responsible! So... I guess this is just one way to clean out your underwear drawer... you can come have Roscoe visit for a week. You'll definitely be down a few pairs. :P

Oh, and a few words about American Idol. I wasn't surprised to see Matt go home. For a second I really wondered if it was going to be Adam. You know, one of those OMG-Can't-Believe-It things that would have everyone talking for days... I read in TV Guide that next year is to be Simon's last year. He assures that the show will go on with out him. He also predicts that Danny will be the winner this season....per usual, I just wanted to punch Paula in the face over and over. They really need to ditch her!!! OH! I never watched the season that Taylor Hicks I don't know much about him. After last nights performance, I can see I'm not missing much. So is he a country artist?? what-ever!

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