Saturday, April 11, 2009


I was supposed to come home from our mini-get away relaxed and refreshed, right? However, I am feeling quite overwhelemed by everything all of a sudden.

Our quick trip to Cincinnati was really good. The kids really had a good time and we enjoyed making them happy. Ben & I got to appreciate the good eats that you can only get in Cincy and the kids rocked on at the water park and aquarium. I must say the water park was no where near as nice as Great Wolf Lodge and the aquarium could have been a little bit nicer, but over all it was all good. =)

I was unable to watch American Idol while we were down there. For some reason, we could not find the local Fox station and amidst the search, I stumbled upon Charlie Brown's Easter special and all channel flipping ceased, as my boys loooooove Snoopy. I did watch it when I got home and over all found the majority of it boring. I have read that people's tivo's cut out at the end, and so did my DVR. I think the show just actually ran long...because I never get cut out at the end. Maybe Paula shouldn't blow so much hot air... anyhoo... Not sad to see what-ever-his-name is go. Wow. Is he that forgettable? I can't even think of his name...chalk it up to pregnancy brain I guess.

Speaking of pregnancy brain...ugh! That is my problem today. I'm a mess. It's been a problem for a couple of days. On the way down to Cincy, I was bawling to some country song. Then I was reading some magazine article about not knowing if your 'done' having kids... I was a wreck. I couldn't even let a tear roll down my cheek though, for fear my husband would ask me what the heck was wrong. Having to tell him that I was crying about "not knowing" would have put him through the roof!! I know he's "DONE". He's been done. It's so crazy for me to even think that I might not be done~ what business do I have even contemplating a fourth when the third isn't even born yet?!!!! It's totally insane, totally pregnancy hormones. OBVIOUSLY! No sane person would be thinking about #4 when #3 is 6 weeks away from being born. *sigh* On our last night in Cincy, my sciatica nerve flared up. I was doing okay, the drive home was totally fine. However Friday when I got up, it was in full force. I had to do some errands in the morning and then spent the rest of the day on the couch with 3 pillows, blankets, and begging my kids to get me a drink or let the dog out. Thank goodness B was a great help. This pain is literally a pain in the rear end. Shooting pain. If I'm still, it's all good. I can lay or sit and have no issue. It's as soon as I move around or lean forward at all that the pain shoots in my rear. So, now having to deal with it for the past few days, It's starting to get me down. I really have had no complaints this entire pregnancy, but now this. I suffered this pain in my first pregnancy, but I think it was earlier on. Not this late in the game. The thought of having to endure this for 6 more weeks is not a good thing for me. I don't like just sitting, especially when it seems like so much has to be done before the baby comes. Did I mention that we have plans every single weekend this month AND next!? AND that my mother-in-law is going to be gone for like 10 days coming up--so that means I have an extra dog to deal with and no babysitter. AND my husband starts his new job on Monday, and I really don't know what to expect from that.

Just a lot going on.

I'm feeling better though now. I have a stack of magazines I think I will indulge in and put my pajamas back on for the balance of the day.

Hope you have a great Easter.

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